Textbook – On-Line – How To Access Below is the internet address for your textbook on-line. Directions and passwords to get to the on-line student edition of the text and other resources available: 1. Click below or this address into your browser http://glencoe.com/sites/common_assets/science/ose/ 2. User Name: cmc2007 Password: W20uYiup (0 in the password is zero, not the letter “o”) Be patient!!! It take a little while to open after you enter the password, because this is a very large PDF document. When the picture of our textbook comes up, you will see an area in the lower right quadrant of the book that says “Continue”, click there. This brings up a table of contents that allows you to go to any chapter. Tech support phone number: 1-800-437-3715 (5am-3pm PST)